Deep Sea Diaries, August 2013

* . sitting on warm steps on a summer night at a church entrance I did not visit . ahead is a gulf light with tiny lights trees of different kinds breathing from twilight . inside is a river restless and charged I try stillness in vain nature comforts me . . Filed under: Poetry

Up in Smoke, 2013

* no wind moaning no shutters flapping . doors standing still in the darkest night . heat rising piercing through as light enters the crack . at daylight no crickets or frogs telling stories . just the heavy stillness of some summer nights . away from breezed seas laying awake interspersed . . Filed under: […]

The London Hours, 2012

* what if pregnant clouds . fast paced crossing over . decide for stillness . and will deliver suddenly . their burden on me . such as i wish you will stop by . . Filed under: Poetry