California Notebooks, September 2013

* sitting hushed – heat isn’t the cause  . willfully watchful of this silence pregnant of barely perceptible sounds . the sky one solid color  . velvety wings moving producing no noise they found no obstacle  . not even the hamming birds make noise I rest at last  . desire raises  . not to move […]

California Notebooks, September 2013

* where I’m writing from is 4.30 in the afternoon . 106F in the shade I inhale hot air breathing now with relief  . I felt worse in latter days I do not feel the cramps of distance  . listening with the greatest care to the smallest finch right after letting out a clear thanksgiving […]

Quaderni californiani, 2013

* da dove sto scrivendo sono le 4.10 del pomeriggio  . 41 gradi all’ombra inalo aria calda un respiro di sollievo .  stavo peggio i giorni scorsi non sento i crampi della lontananza  . ascolto attentamente il più piccolo passero cantare subito dopo aver emesso un grazie cristallino  . io da sola da dentro il […]