Deep Sea Diaries, August 2013

* . sitting on warm steps on a summer night at a church entrance I did not visit . ahead is a gulf light with tiny lights trees of different kinds breathing from twilight . inside is a river restless and charged I try stillness in vain nature comforts me . . Filed under: Poetry

Deep Sea Diaries, August 2013

* . explain to me why at the bottom of the church steps . is a mosaic of round stones depicting a white star with eight points pregnant of a smaller one . ahead is a rusty cross this one is pregnant too of a smaller cross . then a lamp stand lit a crescent […]

Deep Sea Diaries, August 2013

* . these days I feel like a boat in the woods . late at night under a cloudy sky not even stars . to dream upon an imaginary route on rocky soil . . Filed under: Poetry

Deep Sea Diaries, August 2013

* . the small land where all the bones lie has a wall of stone and concrete . if I stand on the north side I can see little roads among graves and rooftops of small chapels -far away . south the sea enclosed in its gulf a whole cloud of tiny flies in front […]

Deep Sea Diaries, August 2013

* . the sea sounds roars the cliffs have no fear stand strong and dark . they’ve got their language and moves . I’m foreigner they leave me alone . . Filed under: Poetry