California Notebooks, Sept. 2013

* me decorated with an unexpected smile . I now expect little and live the moment exploring while passing over . I’ve quitted detaining I let motion befalling having no . more addresses, pinheads or pencils I found my self delighted in the last three lines . . Filed under: Poetry

Suggesting Luminesia

I will encourage you to go to this link today . . Luminesia is a bilingual blog where my photography students, through a work of IDENTIFICATION with my poetry, interpret the emotions rising within while reading. You can read more about this under Project on the Luminesia’s blog…

Luminesia naviga l’estate – Luminesia Surfing Summer

Giusto una riga veloce. Non è che con la fine del corso di fotografia e con l’estate Luminesia chiude i battenti… anzi. Continuate a seguirci che ci fa piacere passare l’estate insieme. . Just a quick line. Luminesia isn’t shutting down with the end of the photography course or ’cause it’s summer… quite the…

The road to LUMINESIA is filled with beauty and surprises…

Hello everybody today I will introduce you to a new baby blog conceived as a show case for the students of my Photography Course at the Art Academy in Milan, Italy. The baby saw the light today and will soon grow stronger. We will post every 4 days some poetry, random in Italian or in […]