The London Hours, 2012

* routine is good a shelter to my heart a time of secret tenderness went to swim in the morning new beauty welcomed me piercing the sound underwater large the company joyful exile     Filed under: Poetry

The London Hours, 2012

* your tone harsh accusing pushing me far testing me  . i’ve no rooms for games we could have had a large house  . i would gave settled for a bedroom 24/7 no restroom and such you vomit everything out  . even what wasn’t on the table fear is a dangerous stimulant . . Filed […]

The London Hours, 2012

* we met this time on fulgid smiles  . among golds and sun rays ‘bout midnight we walked out  . hand on hips heading dawn a soft kiss was all  . we met on ends  . melted together  . it’s when two hearts start taking a bone’s shape have you ever noticed?  . a bone […]

The London Hours, 2012

* white wellness welcomed within . quietness a silence seek . nearly no movement a mussel in a shell . i hear love surging . if i could stay forever . fractions of a deep me . . Filed under: Poetry

The London Hours, 2012

* what has smeared me fully and flat dense in this silence . skin against skin bones interwoven infinite cover as the sky . around the earth if you look well . .       Filed under: Poetry

The London Hours, 2012

* I had to hold it out to follow the new route no calls nor music . thoughts hunting i’ve no more room for pissy friends . one after another acting out selfish scenes i’ve no more emotions . i will stay as still as marble and allow you out of my day out of […]

The London Hours, 2012

* The hour approaches the you has changed colors as seasons do . I like yours better hues of wheat and blue skies his were the colors of night . his eyes too small and close together I’d rather be close to you and dive into large ones . although one looks away although spring […]

The London Hours, 2012

* as curved on an abstract composition . i was stepping on thoughts where I was born, wasn’t Texas where I grew up, wasn’t Italy where waters run beside and skins laid against soft and sunlight . I received as I drove a visual road it was before it happened I can’t pinpoint smoky actions […]